2010年2月7日 星期日


First, i was dying to finish my high school and start college

And then i was dying to finish college and start working

Then i was dying to marry and have children

And then i was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could to back to work

But then i was dying to retire

And now i am dying

And suddenly i realized i forgot to live

Please don’t let this happen to you
Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day
……..old friend

To make money we lose our health, and then to restore our health we lose our money…
We live as if we are never going to die, and we die as if we never lived….

☆★‥‥‥‥捻花微笑 ‥‥‥‥★☆



年輕的時候,我絕對無法體會這篇文章。佛陀教導的解脫輪迴,不是坐在那裡唸經、禪坐或參加灌頂法會即能學會的,而是要自己從生活中實踐『放下』才能獲得領悟。簡單的兩個字, 可是放下牽掛、貪念、欲求是多麼不簡單呢!面臨死亡時,才發現沒有活過,又耗費了這一生了。

